Laguna Torre 12.5 mile hike in Parque Nacional Los Glacières, Argentinian Patagonia

Blue sky day after a night of wind and rain.  Just a gobsmackingly beautiful hike to Laguna Torre.  Had lunch at the lake, took a number of Don/Brad/Don &Brad/Don, Brad and Fecundo photos.  Fecundo was taking photos too, it was such a picture perfect day..could't have been better.  This was Fecundo's last guiding day of the season..he's off on an adventure with friends for a few weeks, then back to Buenos Aires.  He returns here in October.  Brad and I were both very impressed with Parque Nacional Los Glacieres, and Fecundo was a really great guy and guide.  He told us that he checked a weather site and the wind gusts were at 120 km/hour (75 mph) wonder we felt like we could have  been blown off the moutain.  All in all a great experience here!


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