Buenos Aires, Argentina March 14-16, 2018

A second mostly gratis trip with long time good friend Brad, this time to Argentina, Chile and Easter Island.  We flew out on Tuesday, March 13th to Dalls, then on to Buenos Aires (Dallas to Buenos Aires was about an 8 hour flight).  One of my better international flights, actually slept for 3-4 hours.  We took in the Recoleta cemetery where the rich and famous and powerful of Argentina are buried including Eva Peron (Duarte).  We has a few hiccups on our first day here...Brad discovered that he had forgotten to bring his international credit card (no foreign transaction fees), but I have mine, and all the accommodations and flights and about two-thirds of the rest of the trip is paid for so it will work out fine.  I plugged in my charger for my Macbook Pro and it sparked, so I am guessing that the knockoff charger I purchased only works on 110 Volts, not the 220 volts they use here.  So we went to two electronics stores and I purchased the real thing (i.e Apple brand charger) at about twice the US cost, but it has worked like a charm.  We went to dinner afterwards, and when I went to pay I realized I didn't have my credit card, so I booked it to the electronics store, and the proprietor immediately recognized me and handed me my card which I had left behind.  Whew!

Second day we walked about 9 miles and took in the Art District, the Puerto Nuevo (new port), a wetland area near high end high rises, and various neighborhoods coming and going.  Gearing up for Patagonia!  Had a much better second dinner at Los Immortales - outstanding salad, pizza, good cheap wine, and a great waiter.  I showed him a picture of Donna on my phone and told him "marida" (wife), and pointed to Brad and said "Amigo".  He laughed heartily and said he had figured out "we were "friends"..or at least we're pretty sure that is what he said in Spanish and sign language.

Third day we headed over to El tigre on the "Argentinos trene", about an hour ride and walked around.  Nice change of pace from the city.

Off to Argentinian Patagonia tomorrow.


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