Halifax waterfront, Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, Peggy's Cove peninsula October 12, 2019

A rainy, misty rainy day all day today.  we drove to Halifax and went to the Farmer's Market (which is housed indoors luckily)...very nice; had a nice political discussion with an author who is from Kings Point, Newfoundland where we stayed for one night...Donna bought a children's book he wrote and we enjoyed a good Trump bashing...he along with virtually everyone we have ever met around the world is totally mystified how the American people managed to vote this idiot into the Presidency and then still support him (well according to the polls perhaps around 40 percent (or more) of Americans still approve of him.  They also totally don't understand Americans obsession with guns, and our abysmal health care system that works great if you are rich or old (Medicare...can you say socialized medicine?).  It is very depressing and of course makes us want to move permanently to Canada, but realistically Americans we shall remain.  Well that was an aside into the abysmal state of affairs in the good old USA right now.  Anyway, we walked part of the very long boardwalk, and then spent the rest of the afternoon at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, where they had several interesting exhibits on the Titanic, Days of Sail, Days of Steam, WWII convoys, the huge Halifax Harbor explosion of 1916 (?), and more.  Finally we drove back to our place a different way and managed to grab a few photos of the absolutely stunning fall colors here.

 A priest talking about the Halifax Harbor disaster ( a munitions ship explosion) that leveled much of Halifax and killed over 1600 people 
