Matetic Vineyard - Casa Blanca Valley, Chile April 9-10, 2018

Roily stomach and all we head to Matetic Vineyards in the Casa Blanca Valley with Hector, our driver for the rest of our time in Chile.  Hector talks constantly but is a a great source of interesting information and a great guy.  Our theory on the upset stomachs (first me, then Brad) was the coffee in the hotel Holiday seemed a bit off.  Anyway, we were here only one night, got breakfast, lunch and dinner included.  Very quiet and peaceful.  We had a tour of the winery and wine tasting along with an elderly couple from Santiago (we found out he had been a dean at a university in Valparaiso).  Brad snagged a great photo of he and his wife walking back from breakfast.  We were scheduled to ride bikes to the wine tour (about ten km), but neither of us was feeling well, so we took the van with the elderly couple.  At the wine tasting I showed "the retired dean" Donna's photo, telling him "mi exposa" - my wife, and he exclaimed in perfect English (and he didn't speak English well) Very Beautiful!  He had perfect eyesight and a keen Latin eye for beauty!

 You can see it in the face - not feeling well...too bad , a gourmet meal
