Genevieve Ruth Halffield: December 30, 1926 - December 2, 2017

My mom passed away on December 2, 2017 just shy of her 91st birthday, following a successful operation to remove a small cancerous tumor that was causing internal bleeding.  Those are the cold hard facts.

A good long life filled mostly with dedication to her family.  Her early life was not without its trauma, as her mother died when my Mom was only 14, and she was thrust into the role of not only the eldest child of 4, but a part time mother to her siblings as she was going through her teen years.  She moved before her senior year of high school taking her from a small high school to a large high school (Proviso), which I gathered was a bit traumatic (or at least certainly an undesired move).  She met and married my Dad in 1948 and stayed married for just shy of 70 years.  That in itself was quite the accomplishment, as my Dad (bless his heart - he's still with us at 93) was a classic 1950's husband and father...i.e. it was basically his way or the highway.  (That is also a cold hard fact).  But I think she found much joy in raising her three children (although I suspect I was somewhat of a challenge for her...a clingy young child, and a late bloomer teenager).  Our family, particularly in the early years got together with our relatives for every birthday and holiday, and my Mom told me how much she enjoyed those times.  She particularly enjoyed my Dad's family, and we were particularly close to my Aunt Esther, Uncle Tracy and cousin's Tracy and Pat.  I would say that her closest relationship was with my youngest sister Denise, who always lived nearby and has "morphed" into my parents caretaker extraodinaire in their last years.  I know my Mom cherished her relationship with Denise.  My mom worried too much but I suppose it's an endearing trait for a mother (she couldn't help herself).   I moved away from home at age 17 to start college, and moved to Colorado in 1980, so I was less of a presence in her life than my other two sisters (particularly Denise), but I made a concerted effort in the last 15 years or so to make it back to Illinois on a regular basis and I think I reconnected with my Mom.  Those have been special times.

She was a great Mom and will be missed greatly.  All in all, a life well lived!
