Colorado Headwaters Trail to Lulu City; Don & Donna 2-18-2018

Mostly blue skies again, balmy temperatures, but windy, so decided to do the Colorado Headwaters trail as much of it is fairly protected.  It's also one of my favorites.  I made it all the way to Lulu city on cross-country skis 9 days ago on a weekday when I only saw a man and his son.  About ten cars or so when we show up late morning, but the crowd thins right away and as usual we were by ourselves most of the time.  We made it all the way to Lulu City again along with a man from Eugene Oregon and his two daughters, one from Colorado Springs the other from Georgia.  We were the only two groups that made it the whole way and we took pictures of each group to commemorate our achievement.  We were the last ones out today, getting back to the car around 4:30.  a fairly tiring but rewarding two days of snowshoeing.  A real achievement for Donna, considering she came up sick and is still recovering from a cols/sinus infection.  All of that exercise class has paid off!
