Solo female hikers of the CO trail - Women's studies

Well in the last post, I ranted about my big three killers of the solitude experience and noted the latest one I was adding to my list was the CO trail.  So on a more conciliatory note relating to the CO trail experience, I ran into 5 solo hikers who were doing the whole CO trail, and 4 of them were women, ranging in age from 22 to 62.  You go girls!   Another yin and yang experience.

The 22 year old camped next to me one night (yes I was at a "lake", really a small very shallow (a foot or less deep)) pond, but there wasn't a lot of water on the Mesa.  Nice gal from back east originally, lacrosse goalie with now bad knees because of the lacrosse, but a determined and dedicated hiker.  Looking for the ski job for the winter so she could hike all next summer - at 22 it works.

Then there was Sandy the 62 year old.  Her second time hiking the entire CO trail, from Durango, her husband was the support crew, resupplying her with food, etc. and she had been out over a month, on a total expected trip of 52 days.  Great lady, and obviously very impressive!  She was blogging her way as she went, downloading her photos and verbage when she got cell phone service.  She took my and Addies picture and we made it on to her blog (just google SandySojourner, and you'll find her Blog - its on Tumblr).

Which brings me to daughter Kirsten and Women's Studies.  Kirsten is a double major at Metropolitan College of Denver, Graphic Design (I think it's actually called communication design) and Women's Studies.  She also is working at the Women's Studies office, and does all of their graphic design work, among other things.  She is much loved at Women's Studies, and is very passionate about Women's equality issues, and related subjects - but really how do you say with a straight face that you don't think women should receive equal pay, equal recognition, just should be equal - if you don't see it that way, I just don't get it.  Forget the patriarchal stuff already.  Ok, there I ventured off again from the trip journal, but we're proud of you Kirsten!

So check out Sandy's Blog - way to go Sandy.
