Hwy 1 Coast - Bodega Bay to the north

After the first week of being in McKinleyville helping out Sue (Donna was a great help, doctor visits, cooking, moral support, etc. - Sue did have a "honeydo"list for me, which as amazing as it may seem, I actually managed to accomplish most of the items on the list - let's just say that my handyman skills leave a bit to be desired), it was time for the girls to fly back home.  So I drove them down to the Bay area (about five hours south) where they spent the night with Anna's former roommate from Westminster, Jenny - Matt was in town too, and they had a great time seeing the San Francisco sights.  They flew back the next day to SLC and Denver.

After dropping them off, I drove back north but instead of going back HWY 101, I turned west to the coast at Bodega Bay, and drove up HWY 1 until it turns inland about 20 miles north of Fort Bragg, and rejoins HWY 101.  I did a night of Derrick camping on the coast and then some short hikes in the Avenue of the Giants on the way back to McKinleyville.  Then Donna and I went down the same coast only North to South, and camped for a few days on our way back home via SLC.

This is the only piece of the HWY 1 coast in CA that we had not been on, and like all of HWY 1 it did not disappoint.  Less wild than the Big Sur coast of CA, but still very nice - we really enjoyed this time on the coast - and we hadn't camped together forever (we always have been backpackers, not "campers", but it was still fairly quiet, as CA schools were just getting out so our camping experience was a good one).

Ah yes pictures - you knew they were coming - (I know I'm basically talking to myself - but this on-line trip diary is another way of remembering these trips and another way of saving the electronic pictures); if anyone else ever reads this stuff, hopefully you will find it fun - friends have said that I take nice pictures  - so perhaps if you are reading this you will agree.
