Belle of the Ball

40th high school reunions - how could this possibly be?  Mine was last year and I didn't go (my choice). Donna's was this year and we went.  Why hers and not mine?  My high school class was about 340 students, hers was 90 - so everybody knows everybody - smaller size, much more interesting.  Let's just say that my high school years would not be classified as my "glory years".  Started kindergarten at age 4, graduated high school at 17 - I had a lot of maturing to go (I guess you could still say that about me at 58).  Although I still have a number of good friends that go back to high school days, I see most of them on my mostly annual fall trip to the Boundary Water Canoe Area (4 of the 6 guys are from St. Charles, Illinois).  So it was off to Donna's 40th reunion instead.

A three day event, with the first day coinciding with Donna's 58th birthday.  It was a lot of fun and I know a moderate number of her classmates, so generally interesting and fun for me too.  Everyone was thrilled to see Donna again (and vice-versa), and although I am more than a bit prejudiced in this area, I can say without hesitation, that Donna would have been voted the least changed (or best looking, or sweetest, or whatever wonderful category you might choose), had they had such a vote.  I am sure she had some male classmates hearts flutter when they saw her.

I didn't take any pictures from the event, so here's just a few of Donna from recent years.

Obviously, I married way above my "standing".  Why Donna chose me is still a mystery to me, but after so many proposals, perhaps she just was beaten down (I was 6 out of 7 people to ask her to marry her - an interesting story, perhaps for another time, perhaps not).
