The Redwoods and the Pacific

Two weeks in Redwood country.  Truly cathedral like, one of the most peaceful places I've ever hiked in, and one of our favorite parts of the country.  Cool weather with highs around 59 or 60, lows around 50.  Kirsten, Anna and I had a memorable day in Prairie Creek Redwood Park - probably my favorite of the big three areas (Avenue of the Giants and Jedediah Smith being the other large redwood parks, with numerous smaller grove areas).  Prairie Creek has great and fairly long trails through the redwoods, it has several miles of beach, and it has Fern Canyon, a "Jurassic Park like" area with walls of very ancient ferns (some scenes from the second Jurassic Park Movie were filmed here).

A larger group of us did a beautiful hike in the Avenue of the Giants redwood area, and I stopped in again for a short hike by myself later.

And then there is the Pacific right out your door step - Donna and I took frequent beach walks minutes from Sue's house.  We both love to walk along the ocean and hear the sound of the surf as we walk along.  The weather suits us very well, as neither one of us are hot weather fans.

Another walk I/we did alot was walking the Arcata Marsh area, right adjacent to the town of Arcata.

Redwood country in northern California is another example of the yin and yang of life - it's hippies and rednecks.  Lots of folks still think it is 1968, and another group still think the only good tree is one chopped down and made into lumber (slight exaggerations to be sure, but definitely some culture clash going on).

As usual I took lots of photos, and this (believe it or not) is just a sampling from all of those photos.
