Living the Island Life, Salt Spring 4: Mt. Erskine hike, Bike ride on a rainy day

Time for another hike - this time we choose the steep hike up Mt. Erskine to a great viewpoint.  It is fairly relentlessly straight up, but we are rewarded at the top with another great view.  On the way we up, we pass by two 'elves/fairy doors".  Some clever local has made and installed "elves doors" on a few rocks along the trail.  People have left notes for the elves, money and other gifts.  At the top is a bowl and plaque carved into the stone in honor of Rosie, someone's canine hiking companion.

Saturday is market day on Salt Spring Island, and Ganges becomes a traffic jam with parking at a premium as the market draws in people from near and far.  Donna spends the day at the market, and I go on a rainy day 20 mile bike ride along the north end of the island.  Second Saturday in a row for a rainy day at the market.  I love my rainy day ride though, and only stand under a tree during one particularly big downpour.

Dog bowl plaque at Mt. Erskine Viewpoint
Stone Dog bowl at Mt. Erskine Viewpoint
At Mt. Erskine Viewpoint
Mt. Erskine hike (this is an actual mushroom, not some person's placement of a gnomes hat)
Mt. Erskine hike
Mt. Erskine hike, Fairy door
Mt. Erskine hike, Fairy door
Donna at Mt. Erskine viewpoint
Mt. Erskine viewpoint
Mt. Erskine viewpoint
Mt. Erskine viewpoint
Mt. Erskine viewpoint, dark eyed junco
Mt. Erskine viewpoint
Delicious salad prepared by Donna
our resident "boathouse" sea otter
Taken from the boathouse
Taken from the boathouse
Rainy day bike ride
Rainy day bike ride, St. Mary's Lake
Rainy day bike ride, Saint Mary's Lake
Rainy day bike ride
Rainy day bike ride
Rainy day bike ride
Rainy day bike ride
Rainy day bike ride
Rainy day bike ride
Rainy day bike ride
Rainy day bike ride
Rainy day bike ride
Rainy day bike ride
Rainy day bike ride
Rainy day bike ride
Rainy day bike ride
Rainy day bike ride
Rainy day bike ride
Rainy day bike ride
Rainy day bike ride
Rainy day bike ride
Rainy day bike ride
