Bonavista Peninsula, September 2019

We arrived in Trouty around 6 PM and immediately were smitten by the house and location.  Our accommodation is a three bedroom 1.5 bath house on Morris Point that is just over 100 years old.  It was renovated a few years ago and Rene from Quebec City purchased it.  Donna absolutely loves the house and we are plotting a return to Newfoundland in the summer of 2021.  Whales can be seen in the cove right in front of the place during June and July, as they come in after capelin that are in the cove at that time of the year.  Our weather for our time here isn't the best but with some rain off and on, and high winds and very brisk temps in the 40's.  It's the kind of weather I always associate with Newfoundland and we still really enjoy our time here. 

The first day we headed up to Trinity (all of 5 miles away), which is a gorgeous little town with many beautiful old homes, a summer theatre, etc.that has been used as a setting for a couple of movies (Shipping News was filmed here).  We took a number of photos and then headed up to the end of the peninsula and Cape Bonavista and lighthouse.  Dramatic coastline, big crashing waves, high winds, a lighthouse tour, and a historic home tour made for a wonderful day here.  We finished with a stop in Elliston, where boat tours (in season) go out to see the Puffins on nearby bird island...whale tours too.  I have had several fun hockey discussions with the locals - todays was the most fun.  A craft store owner and local carver, (Wilbur Hobbs) upon hearing that we were from Colorado told us that his favorite hockey moment of all time was when the Avs won the Stanley Cup and Joe Sakic handed the Stanley Cup immediately over to Ray Borque.  The guy got a little choked up telling us the story, and then repeated it about three times.  He said Newfoundlanders are usually big fans of one of three teams, Montreal, Toronto or Boston.  He is a life long Bruins fan.  He didn’t know that Ray Borque’s number is retired in both Boston and Colorado and he was really moved by that too.  A true hockey fan!

Our last day it rained most of the day off and on, varying from misty to steady rain, but we still managed to get a good day in at Trinity, visited the local craft store in Trouty where Donna made a number of purchases, and drove out to Old and New Bonaventure for a few photos and lunch in the car.  It stopped raining about 5:30 and took a few more photos at our place and Donna started hauling off a portion of the shoreline to bring back to CO 😁

Leaving this morning we took a few more photos at our place, drove out to the Fort Union light house, threw our message in a bottle into the sea, and took some photos looking across to Trinity, before driving to Clarenville and a B1 service on the Accord and then on to Cupids and our next 4 nights. 
