Quadra Island with Nic, Anna and Aria - A favorite haunt - Post 1; Arrival, kayaking

I have a few too many favorite photos from our time with Nic, Anna and Aria on Quadra Island, so I'll split this up into a few posts.

After leaving Comox, we drive the short distance to Campbell River, and shop for groceries before getting in the ferry line for the 10 minute ferry ride to Quadra Island.  We are in time for the 3:30 ferry, but it is full so we have to wait an hour for the next ferry. It is wonderful to drive up to our little place (Fox Meadows) and see it again after being here two years ago.  A few trees have been cut down by Anne and Don Doolittle so our peek a boo view of the ocean is now an actual ocean view, making this place even more attractive.  Anna, Nic and Aria arrive an hour after us.  We head down to the end of Smith Road (a few blocks down the hill) after dinner (as we do every night but one while we are here) and catch the evening sunset.  This view never gets old - beautiful!

Anna's goal while on Quadra is to go kayaking every day (she achieves her goal!).  Most evenings we launch the kayaks at the end of Smith Road (not the best launch location but Nic and I manage all right) and do evening/sunset paddles along the Sutil Passage shore.  Anna and I also do a longer day paddle into Hyacinthe Bay and find a small island with many seals basking.  Nic and Anna do a similar paddle on their anniversary (their 4th).  We do a short evening paddle at the inland lake(s) for a photo session with Aria.  Aria goes out twice in the kayak and is great and looks so cute in her little life jacket.

More later - the first of many photos.
