Off to Nepal and SE Asia: Hong Kong 10-27-2015

A few months ago we decided to join a volunteer trek in Nepal to begin the process of rebuilding homes in a remote village in Nepal.  A friend I met in Florida in January had started a non-profit doing various projects in the area (building composting toilets, putting in skylights in schools, etc.) and then the earthquake hit last spring, resulting in damage to some of the homes in the area the non-profit is working in.   The Nepal part of the trip was 12 days - so we decided to add an Intrepid small group tour of Vietnam and Cambodia for an additional 18 days, since we were half way around the world.

The trip started off with flights to LA, then on to Hong Kong where we had an 8 hour layover.  We were exhausted already by the time we got to Hong Kong having been up over 36 hours with only catnaps on the plane, but we ended up enjoying our brief time in Hong Kong.  We rode a cable car to one of the Hong Kong Islands where we saw the largest bronze Buddha in the world, and a beautiful Buddhist monastery.  This was to be our introduction to the heat and humidity of SE Asia (more on that in a later post), as it was 90's and humid for our day in Hong Kong.  After our day in Hong Kong, we met up with many of our volunteer group and boarded a plane that took us to Kathmandu via Bangladesh.

 Did I mention we were exhausted?


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