In search of Everest

Sherpa Mtn Adventures (the trekking company crowned by Karma and family) offered to take a group of us on a hike (straight up hike!) to a mountain pass (between 12,000 and 13,000 feet; so 4,000 - 5,000 feet of elevation gain) to try and catch a glimpse of Mt. Everest.  A catch was we needed to get up at 3 AM so that we would get to the pass early enough before the clouds rolled in obscuring any view.  So a group of 7 of us along with three Sherpa guides got up, had breakfast and took off by around 4 AM.  Definitely a strenuous hike, but an amazing hike as well.  Part of the hike we were on a track that Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norway took on the way to their successful scaling of Everest.  As fate would have it Everest was shrouded in clouds, and we didn't see it, but we did view other high Himalaya peaks, and got a great workout!  Unfortunately, on the way down (about the 11th hour of a twelve hour day), Donna stepped on what turned our to be a tippy rock and pitched head first to the ground arresting her fall with her right hand, resulting in a dislocated/fractured finger (more on that later).  She was initially in a bit of shock, but came around after a while, and with Ang Babu's help  (our Sherpa guide) she made it back down to Chhulemu.  If it hadn't been for the injury, it would have been an awesome if exhausting day.

 Pattye, Pamela, Kelly, Bria, Edward, Ang Babu, Donna, Chiring (2), Ming Mar, Don


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