First Day in Nepal; 10-28-2015

We didn't get to our hotel (not five star, just saying) in Kathmandu until after midnight and didn't get to bed until 2 AM (having to repack for our flight and trek the next day), getting up again at 6 AM.  Let's here it for adrenalin, because that is what we were operating on at this point.  Headed to the airport, where we sat for quite a while before finally boarding our Twin Otter 16 seater plane for the flight to Pambu.  It was mostly socked in, so only caught glimpses of the Himalayas (see photos below), but this ranks as the most extreme flight of my life.  Apparently the short airstrip in Pambu ranks as one of the (if note the most) extreme airfields in the world.  Landing there was truly an amazing experience.

After Sherpa Mtn Adventures fed us our first lunch at a trekking lodge in Pambu, we began our two day trek into Chhulemu.  It rained on us off and on, so things got a bit muddy, but the scenery was beautiful.  The Nepalese government recently "completed" a road into Taksindu (about 1000 vertical feet above Chhulemu), although road is definitely in quotes, as it is basically a mud track that realistically only 4 wheel drives and tractors can negotiate.  We hike on the road and also on the original trail that generally parallels the road.   We made it about half way the first day and spend the night in a trekkers lodge in Rambu.  Trekkers lodge vary in the level of comfort, but even the nicest ones are a bit rough - usually a hard bed that you lay your sleeping bag on  - food and drink and miscellaneous items can be purchased, and of course the usual pretty rough squat toilet is available for taking care of those bodily functions. We are truly exhausted and sleep well.

 A Twn Otter similar to our plane landing at Pambu
 A Twn Otter similar to our plane taking off at Pambu

 Goods are transported by mule, yaks, and by human porters

 Pambu airfield

 Typical porter load (often 60 - 120 pounds)


  1. Welcome back Don and Donna! We're looking forward to catching up on your adventure.

    Truly thoughtful of both of you to spend time helping others in need.

  2. A trip of a lifetime!


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