Crossing southern BC on my way to the Sunshine Coast of BC, June 2024

 It was a rainy day as I drove on highway 3 across southern BC to my next night’s stay in Creston, BC in the Kootenay mountains.  It cleared up long enough for a 5 mile RT walk on a country road, in the afternoon/early evening.  Saw lots of bird life including several I have never seen before or in the case of the yellow headed blackbird, only once before.  I ID’d the Brewer’s blackbird first from its call (thanks Nic for showing me that feature of the Merlin bird app).

The next day it was a fairly wet day driving, as was the previous day.  Actually got snowed on briefly on the pass outside of Creston, but weather looking good for the next week with highs in 60’s and sunny to partly sunny skies.  We shall see. I stayed in  Kelowna BC in the Okanagan Valley, the fruit and wine growing area of BC.   A few photos looking down at Kelowna, BC where I’m staying tonight and surrounding area from a hike I did that started three blocks from my airbnb.  Columbines are in airbnb yard, and last photo is Kelowna waterfront on Okanagan Lake, where I had Panang curry at a Thai restaurant.  A very nice and long waterfront. 

I had a heartfelt talk with Sandy, Leslie’s (airbnb owner) mother who lives with her.  She lost a son 6 years ago in a similar fashion, (they had a plaque in the yard, which is how I knew), and tears flowed.


