New England Fall - Buttonwood Inn, North Conway, New Hampshire

All of our stays on this two week fall trip are in airbnb's with the exception of our first stop in North Conway, New Hampshire  -  the Buttonwood Inn, a bnb.  For most of our trip we are staying 3 nights and two full days at each location.  The Buttonwood Inn is 200 years old, and is in a very quiet location outside of town.  A couple from central New Jersey bought the place around ten years ago and seem to be doing a thriving business.  Many of the guests are from England, with others from MN, WA, IA, etc.

Our first full day we did a great but strenuous hike up the local mountain, Mt. Kearsarge - 2600 feet vertical in 3.1 miles.  Challenging, but with 360 degree views at the top of glorious hillsides covered with color.  A general theme is that the photos from these mountaintop locations do not do the colors justice - much more impressive in person than  in the photos.  That night we ate at the Red Parka Inn, where we shared the largest slice of mud pie we've ever seen for dessert.

Our second full day we took in local color at Echo Lake state park, some nearby granite ledges, Diana's Baths (small waterfall on local river) and the town of North Conway.  It's Columbus Day weekend, and the town is packed...long traffic jams in town.  We sneak in dinner at a flatbread pizza place just before the waits become 2 hours long for a table (many of our fellow guests at the b and b talked about grabbing a sandwich for dinner since they couldn't get in anywhere).

One of the British guests at the b and b was a dead ringer for the actor (Wayne Knight) who was "Newman" on Seinfeld and "Dennis" in Jurassic Park.  Donna approached him and he and his wife thought it was hilarious.  They actually waited for us the morning we both left so that we could take pictures of him with Donna (playing it for all it's worth).

A great first stop on our New England fall tour.
