Summa Cum Laude

Well, we had a fun weekend in SLC as usual.  We got Anna, Nic and her roommates all graduated.  Anna and her fellow graduating chamber singers sang the national anthem at the beginning, and the alma mater song at the end.  Anna's friend Amber from her education program, got selected for the leadership award for the year - a very compelling life story - she is married, was pregnant through her student teaching and just gave birth to her second (??) child, and took over legal custody of her younger siblings as she came from a very troubled home, all while graduating summa cum laude, and Alpha Chi.  Anna and Amber were two of only 25 students out of about 600 graduates with both honors!!  We went out to dinner at the Red Iguana, Anna's favorite Mexican restaurant in SLC (very good) with Nic and his parents, and Donna's folks who surprised Anna by driving out for her graduation.  Colin joined us here too, and it was so good to have him here. Kirsten unfortunately had to stay home, just too busy.  Had a fun picnic at Sugarhouse Park for the graduates, yesterday evening, and Nic's family all came too, so a very busy but really fun time.  A big thanks to our friends Don and Karen Mahoney, for graciously letting us stay at their home while they were in Missouri.

 Morgan and Anna
 Singing the Alma Mater
 Amber and Nic
 Education Department graduates
 Whoops, That's Morgan, not Moran
 Matt and Jenny

 At Sugarhouse Park

 The two star slack liners, Jenny and Nic
 Jackie, Anna, and Morgan
 Jenny and Anna
 Nic, Jackie and Anna

 Chamber singers graduates
 Amber and Anna
 Jackie, Morgan and Anna
 Nic and Anna
 Anna and her grandparents, Dick and Judy Cornwell
 Colin and Anna
 Don, Anna, Donna

Nic and Anna with Nic's parents, Ryan and Adrienne


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