Last day in the Arctic - Kukluktuk, Nunavut, Canada; Travel woes.

Time to head back to civilization - but not so fast cowboy.  There are two charter flights, and Brad and I are on the second flight scheduled to depart at 11:30 AM for the three hour flight to Edmonton via Yellowknife.  We taxi out to the end of the gravel runway (this is not DIA folks...they average maybe 30 passengers a day), the pilot brings the engines up to speed, and bang bang, comes the sound from the port engine.  So back we go..sit in the plane for about an hour and a half while they try (unsuccessfully) to repair the engine - then off the plane for a day knocking around Kukluktuk.  The locals put on a cultural show (throat singing, square dancing, drumming, etc. - a local young girl, Tabitha Stirit becomes my new best friend (see photos), and since I missed the cultural "show" back in Grise Fjord there is a silver lining at least for me.  They end up flying a Canadian North jet (there are two airlines that service Arctic Canada - this is one of them) up from Edmonton.  We finally take off around 8 PM, and Brad and I climb into bed around 1:15 AM, and get up again at 3:45 AM to catch our 6:30 AM flight back to Denver.  Oh well, there had to be a hickup somewhere along the line.

All in all, a fabulous trip - seeing sights I'll never get to see again.  The west coast of Greenland and the icebergs were definitely a highlight as were the numerous polar bear sightings, but the whole experience was great.

 Brad and me on back deck of ship
 The trip 
 Trip latitude and longitudes
 Jon Dudley, The rock star (trip geologist)
 Kukluktuk (probably not going to retire in Kukluktuk)

 throat singing
 Tabitha and me
 Tabitha and me
 Tabitha and me and really young friend
 Final Arctic sunrise
 Final Arctic sunrise
 Final Arctic sunrise
 Final Arctic sunrise
 Final Arctic sunrise
 Final Arctic sunrise
 Final Arctic sunrise
 Final Arctic sunrise
 Final Arctic sunrise
 Final Arctic sunrise
