Jenny Lind Island - the DEW station is right around the corner folks

Adventure Canada informs us:

Day 14 — Wednesday September 2, 2015
Jenny Lind Island
Jenny Lind Island is a small island, about 20 km in diameter, that is situated in the Queen Maud Gulf, southeast of Victoria Island in Nunavut. Queen Maud Gulf was named by explorer Roald Amundsen in 1905 for Queen Maud of Norway. The shores of the Queen Maud Gulf are especially rich breeding habitat for large numbers of Arctic breeding waterfowl and shorebirds. Every summer these species head for the abundant wetlands and shallow marine habitats where they feast and breed on the abundance of the short Arctic summer. Jenny Lind Island has an estimated 50,000 Lesser Snow Geese, 1000 Ross’s Geese, 1500 Cackling Geese and a huge abundance of shorebirds that is yet to be fully surveyed.
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Inuktitut word of the day:
Qanniqtuq — It’s snowing
"There is nothing more enticing, disenchanting, and enslaving than the life at sea."
Gift Shop hours: 930 – 1230
Sauna hours: 0630-1200 & 1700- 2300
Massage hours
—Joseph Conrad, Lord Jim 

Jenny Lind was an opera singer in the 1800's (?), and she got this fairly small and flat island named after her in the high Canadian Arctic.  Most all of the nesting birds have headed south leaving behind only their feathers (I do have a so-so photo of a snow goose - my only sighting of the trip).  The long hikers (Brad and I are part of this group) are headed out to a DEW line station (early warning system for overflights from mother Russia), which we never come close to making...someone misread the map, and it is way farther than they thought...but it's a good workout, which I need after all of these buffet breakfasts and lunches (my will power had gotten better as the trip has gone on, but I still eat like I'm 17, not 62).  We do see a lone muskoxen and I get some photos.

 Snow geese
 Snow geese

 DEW line station in the distance (taken with a telephoto lens)

 Long hikers straggling back to the zodiacs
