Londonderry or is it Derry?

One last breakfast at Valley View, and we said our goodbyes to Valerie.  Valerie's daughter had recently got married and Valerie had beautiful pictures of her and the wedding party at Dunluce Castle (see previous post for pic of castle);  We swapped wedding stories (see a Simple Wedding in the Redwoods post), packed and braved the elements just loading up the car.  Sleet, snow, high winds - school closings across northern Ireland (gee, what happened to upper 40's, low 50's and occassional rain, which is more normal for this time of year?).  Before leaving Bushmills, we decided to take the Bushmills distillery tour, since it seemed like a good thing to do on a nasty weather day.  The tour was interesting, and you got a complimentary drink at the end, which just confirmed that we are not whiskey drinkers (we exchanged drinks for hot totties, which did taste good, particularly on that day).  Bushmills is the world's oldest licensed distillery, having been granted a license from King James back in 1608.  After our tour, we drove to Derry (also known as Londonderry), where we bravely drove into the heart of the city, parked and walked the historic walled portion of the city that dates back to the early 1600's while it was still sleeting off and on.  The weather kept the crowds down, needless to say, but sure enough, as we are walking the walls, coming the other way are a young couple from Belgium that we had visited with at breakfast at Valley View B&B that morning.

A few pics of our nasty cold and wet day of walking the walled city of Derry.
