Congrats, Kirsten! Another college graduation

Second college graduation of the year for the Halffields.  This time it's Kirsten, who graduated on Sunday from Metropolitan State University of Denver with a double major in communication design, and women's studies.  Two days before she had a show of her graphic design work along with her fellow senior design students.  She does fabulous work, and composes music too!  (She gets all of her talent from her father who can draw stick figures and sing mediocrely (I can whistle pretty well though)). Colin was there too, but somehow neglected to get him in any pictures.

 Kirsten show
 Kirsten show
 Kirsten and old high school friends, Lara, Aspen, Noah
 Kirstens show
 Shannon, Stephanie and Kirsen
 Donna's folks, Kirsten and Donna

So congratulations to daughter number 1, on a great accomplishment!
