Lake City CO June 2021. Hiking, kayaking, and fishing

 Another 3 day 2 night trip to the CO mountains is in the books.  This time the destination was Lake City.  Trip stats:  580 miles driven; 31.6 mpg with kayak on car; 3 hikes, Williams Creek-7 miles RT, 1400 feet elevation gain; Cataract Lake - 7 miles RT, 2000 feet elevation gain, and Big Blue Creek - 10 miles RT, but only 500 feet of elevation gain.  Two evenings of kayaking and fishing on LAke San Cristobal- 11 fish caught.  2 quiet dispersed camping spots right next to Lake Fork of the Gunnison River…all to my lonesome.  Texans seen (mostly on the ubiquitous ATV’s doing the Alpine loop)…too many to count.  Groups seen on hike…1, 1, 0.  Get on the trails and leave the Texans behind. 

Williams Creek Trail photos

Cataract Lake Trail photos

Big Blue Creek trail, Uncompahgre Wilderness

Lake San Cristobal

Along County Road 20
