Lake Thomas, BWCA - The blind leading the blind trip

Home a few weeks, and it's back to the midwest; northern MN this time, for the annual fall Boundary Waters Canoe Wilderness trip.  This year we head into a new lake (for us), Lake Thomas.  And we are down to only four guys this year,  as George's Dad passed away at the age of 92 days after we paddled in,  George knew this was the end for his Dad, so he had to drop off the trip days before we started out....Mark decided to attend the funeral, so that left the remaining four - Brad, Rick, Jeff and me.  Mark is our chief cook, and one of the two premier fishermen on these trips - George is the other premier fisherman, and the backup cook; and we were going into a new lake that we had never fished before.  This did not bode well for fishing success.  This ended up being he case, as we did manage to get two fish dinners, but just barely....we had a tough time finding the fish.  But in spite of the less than stellar fishing success, and the below average temperatures for the week this was still a great trip.  We worked hard getting in to Lake Thomas; 12 portages, and a 9 hour day getting in.  Coming out we stayed in Lake Disappointment for the last two nights.  It was fun to see some new lakes, and for the most part we had Lake Thomas to ourselves - only seeing a few other groups.  It was a cool week....didn't even break out the hammocks and only got one mini sun shower in - a sure sign of cold and wet weather.  Brad labeled this trip  - The Blind leading the Blind.  Considering our fishing success, an apt label.  But some good photos.
