So long, dear Addie

We have (had) two labradoodles the last 9 years plus.  They were sisters, one being Lucy, the alpha, who is unfortunately a bit over the top fear aggressive (she does not play well with other dogs), and a bit eccentric.  Then there was Addie, a very sweet girl her whole life.  Even her bad habits are somehow endearing now (she once ate 8 raw hamburgers ready to be grilled, while we stepped away from the kitchen briefly; she was ruled by her stomach).

She was my trusty hiking companion these last 9 years (I had to stop taking Lucy - too often we'd eventually run into another hiker with a dog, and that didn't go well).  She made it to the top of 2 fourteeners with Colin (one in the middle of winter), and went all over the state of Colorado accompanying me (and occasionally other family members) hiking, backpacking, snowshoeing.  She truly loved all of these treks, and went for the last time with me cross-country skiing only about two weeks before she died.  She loved her "walkies" in the neighborhood too with her sister, which she got most days.

Sadly she got cancer about 6-9 months ago, and the cancer kept progressing and spreading.  The last two weeks, she barely moved, barely ate, but still was sweet right up to the end.

We will truly miss her.  If the Buddhists have it right, she surely will come back in her next life, as some saintly person (if that is a higher plane than being a sweet dog?).

Here are some pictures of Addie (and occasionally Lucy too) through the years.
