Moose Encounter on Rich and Tumble Creek hiking loop, September 2022

 Lux and I headed up to the FairPlay area for an all day hiking adventure on the Rich and Tumble Creek trail loop in the Buffalo Peaks wilderness area.  Trip stats:  12.25 miles, 2000 feet elevation gain, 7.5 hours.  Nice fall colors.  Saw 4 other groups all day, so as usual was by myself 99 percent of the time.  At mile 9.5, we had an encounter with a moose.  Lux, as always, was out in front and she went around a corner and I heard lots of barking and here comes Lux running back to me with a moose in pursuit.  The moose stopped but closer than I’d like and was making threatening postures.  Lux and I moved off the trail to the left, and finally the moose decided to wander into the willows.  An exciting moment at about mile 9.5.     This was where the three kids and I and our dogs Addie and Lucy went on the last backpack we all did together.
