Grand County January 2022

 My 8th and most likely my last ski season volunteering with the National Sports Center for the Disabled.  Brad rented a townhouse in Granby this winter for the month of JAnuary and then again for 3 weeks from mid-February to MArch 8th.  Pat and Mark are renting a condo in Fraser from January 28-February 28th, and then my sister Denise will come out for a week from February 16th - 24th.  So a busy time in the mountains.  Our good friend George and his girlfriend Susan also came up to Brad’s condo in early January.  In January I skied with Ryder again, and he continues to slowly improve…it’s amazing what he can do now, considering where he was just a year or two ago.  Donna has been dealing with elderly parent issues but still managed to get up for 4 days, I came up most weeks for three days, and Donna and I have been doing cultural stuff (symphony concerts, ballet, opera, plays) on the weekends.  Here are photos from our first month up in Grand County.
