Sun Valley Loop, Green Mountain trail; RMNP - Don & Donna in Grand County Jan 30-Feb 3, 2020

Donna joined me for the weekend and we snowshoed two days in Rocky Mountain National Park.  We snowshoed on the Sun Valley Loop trail and the Green Mountain trail to Big Meadow.  Beautiful sunny days with highs around 40.  Almost too warm....amazing for the very beginning of February.  Of course just two days later the high at the ski area was only 8 degrees...and yes that was a volunteer day for me.  It was the weekend for our two snowshoes, but we still only saw a few other people for a few moments on both days.  Basically, I spend one weekend up here with Donna, the next weekend back home with Donna (usually a symphony concert on Saturday), and Brad comes up in between.  So I'm by myself up here usually only one day.  Brad is in the on-deck circle.
