Welcome to the World - Anna Dawn Heinz, June 22, 2015

Donna and I are now officially grandparents (Donna to be called "Grannie" and Don to be called "Haddie")!   Aria Dawn Heinz was born on June 22, 2015 at 7:04 PM and weighing in at 7 pounds four ounces (20.5 inches long, if you need all the stats)..

We drove to Salt Lake City on Sunday, June 21 as Anna was starting labor - a very long labor as it turned out.  She went to the hospital around 11:30 PM. Sunday night (contractions had started perhaps a day before that) and didn't give birth until Monday night at 7:04 PM (45 minutes plus of pushing at the end - Yikes!)   She did it all naturally, and was a phenomenal warrior - Nic was a great coach; Donna was there the whole time, I showed up for the last 6 hours - documentation follows in photos below.  Quite the experience, needless to say.  Nic's folks came over about an hour or so after Aria arrived, and the photo taking ensued.

All is well with baby Aria, Dad Nic, Mom Anna and Grannie and Haddie too.


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