Pompeii - Buried Alive

Our first full day in the Sorrento area, and we head back towards Naples on the Circumvesuviana railway, stopping about halfway at Pompeii (half hour train ride).   Four guys (accordion, guitar, violin, percussion) play music between the cars and then pass the hat - we contribute to their cause this time.

Pompeii was a thriving port town of an estimated 20,000 people when on August 24, in 79 A.D. Mount Vesuvius decided to dramatically erupt (still an active volcano - last erupted in 1944) and preserve a slice of Roman history under 30 feet of volcanic ash - to be discovered in 1599.  Excavations began in 1748, and continue to this day.

Donna and I were surprised by the size of Pompeii - it's big, and it is amazingly preserved.  According to Mr. Steves, it had more than 40 bakeries, 30 brothels, and 130 bars, restaurants and hotels.  Many notable sites including the Roman baths, the beware of dog sign, the chariot ruts in the stone streets, the large amphitheater, various homes, shops, frescoes, etc.  all in excellent condition for being 2000 years old.    We were there for about four to five hours before heading back to Sorrento, wandering a bit there, and then heading back to the b and b to relax before our dinner for the night (see previous post).

 Mount Vesuvius looming over Pompeii

 Pedestrian mall - chariot blocking stones on street

 Roman baths
 Roman baths
 Roman baths
 Roman baths
 Chariot wheel grooves
 Beware of Dog

 Brothel bed (Ouch)
 Brothel advertisement


 Buried alive
