Mineral Creek - La Garita Wilderness

While Donna is up in Wrangell, Alaska visiting a long time friend who is living there for two years (cool, wet, grizzlies, eagles, humpback whales - Donna is loving it), I snuck in a 4 day trip to the Mineral Creek trail in the west end of the La Garita Wilderness.

Hiked 30 miles in 4 days, 6 miles each way in/out, and a 12 mile RT day hike to San Luis Pass, and another 6 mile RT day hike to the upper West Mineral Basin.  Easy first few miles then some steep, before gradual up near where I camped in the upper Mineral creek basin, a bit below where the three forks of the creek come together.  Trail started at 8600 feet, I camped at 10,400, and San Luis Pass, my high point was 12,400 feet.

Only a few people seen on the trip; a group of 4 Germans who were hiking across the wilderness from Creede (a father and three sons?, one of whom spoke English well), all part of a 3 week visit to the US; and Stan Foster, a 68 year old from SE Aurora/Estes Park, who was hiking the entire Colorado trail, on his way to his 50th high school reunion in Durango, CO.  Way to go Stan!  I met him just below San Luis Pass, which is on the CO trail.  Last year I met a 62 year old woman who was hiking the CO trail for her second time.  So no age related excuses for me, for hiking in the next several years.

Trip wildlife - Elk bugling every day, but never did actually see one - they were in the timber; saw a number of grouse, Mr. and Mrs. Beaver right near where I camped, and fresh Bear scat and tracks on my day hike up east Mineral Creek to San Luis Pass.

A few pics from the trip - sadly the upper Mineral Creek valley's pine trees are all dead from beetle kill - lower valley still mostly alive, Creede side of divide lots of dead trees, Lake City side, still mostly live pines.  High country aspens and willows were already starting to change too - and it was still August (26-29).


  1. Wow Dad! This was a spectacular trip for you. Wish I could have been there...


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