A Simple Wedding in the Redwoods

"So Dad, Nic and I (Anna) were thinking we'd have a simple wedding in the redwoods." Well, that simple wedding in the redwoods ended up being 4 different events in 3 states over the course of a month.  And it sure was a lot of fun (although a bit exhausting too).

First event the Utah reception on July 14th, two weeks before the wedding.  This was the largest event (in terms of number of people), and was held at Nic's grandparents home in Cottonwood Country Club.      I only have a few pictures from that event, although there was a photographer floating around taking pics - I just have never seen any of them.  Beautiful weather (it was predicted to rain) so lucky with the weather, good food, and a ping pong tournament to wrap up the evening.  Colin (who had been down in Saint George, Utah with Nic and Anna), and I made it to the event (Donna - home with nasty cold).  Niece Jamie Endorf got married to Anthony that same day in Tobias, Nebraska.  Joel Endorf married Sara on July 1st (we made that wedding) in SE Nebraska/ Kansas, so a crazy month for weddings.

A week later we took off for far northern California for the actual wedding.  Drove the 530 miles to SLC, dropped off some furniture for Nic and Anna and loaded up the Pilot with wedding stuff (couldn't even see out the back), then another 800 miles out to Arcata/McKinleyville.  Had some fun with the Heinz's hiking in the redwoods and beach before other out of towners arrived.  Rented some beautiful homes for the Heinz and Halffield friends and family in Trinidad, while Donna and I were hosted by our good friend Sue in Mckinleyville, and her two adorable daughters, who provided the flowers for the wedding.

17 of us on the redwood marriage hike on Saturday, July 28th.  Immediate family and my cousin Pat.  Hiked through Fern Canyon, and then up a trail several miles until Nic and Anna declared this was the spot.  It ended up being very beautiful and moving, with Kirsten sobbing thru their vows (beautifully composed by Nic and Anna).  I did the honors pronouncing them husband and wife (for $53, I was a deputy justice of the peace for the day) - my big line was - "and thus by the power vested in me by the state of California, the County of Humboldt, I now pronounce you man and wife".  This was the most personal and certainly unique wedding I have ever attended.  It really ended up being wonderful.  Since we didn't really have a wedding rehearsal, we invited all 52 of us to go to the Samoa Cookhouse (last of the original cookhouses where they fed the loggers) that evening for a wedding celebratory dinner - lots of fun.  Anna's Utah friends even made it after breaking down just over the Nevada/California border - a whole nother story.  This also was a lot of fun, with the evening ending with the distribution of 52 tie dies made by Nic for all of the guests.

Sunday was whirlwind of activity decorating Merryman's beach house on Moonstone Beach (just south of Trinidad California , where most of the guests stayed).  Thanks to all that helped with Donna and Gail Brian leading the way. At 6 it was the beach ceremony with the "stoning" of the couple, i.e. everyone laying a special rock at the couple's feet in the sand and passing on a blessing, word of wisdom, etc..  Also a beautiful song by Anna's choir friends, and lots of group photos. Then back to the beach house and a great dinner.

Finally the wedding celebration wound up with another beach party, this time at our neighborhood beach in Colorado on August 11th, and one last wedding reception.  Also a lot of fun, with much help from family and friends and tireless effort  by Donna.

So a pretty simple wedding in the redwoods.  So now Anna is Anna Heinz, and we have welcomed Nic into the Halffield household!  The happy couple are residing in SLC (rent free thanks to the Mahoneys), and starting their teaching careers (Anna 1st grade, Nic 6th).  An incredible month!

Pics from the events, although there are no pictures from the beach ceremony - waiting on the professional photographers photos, which we expect to be great.

 The majestic redwoods
 Pre wedding hike in Lady Bird Johnson Grove
 Pre wedding hike in Lady Bird Johnson Grove
 Pre wedding hike in Lady Bird Johnson Grove
 Pre wedding hike in Lady Bird Johnson Grove
 Pre wedding hike in Lady Bird Johnson Grove
 Pre wedding hike in Lady Bird Johnson Grove
 Last minute wedding dress alterations
 Utah reception
 Utah reception
 Utah reception
 Utah reception
 Pre wedding coastal walk
  Pre wedding coastal walk
  Pre wedding coastal walk
  Pre wedding coastal walk
  Pre wedding coastal walk
  Pre wedding coastal walk
 Trinidad harbor
 Pre wedding walk along Clam Beach
  Pre wedding walk along Clam Beach
  Pre wedding walk along Clam Beach
 Nic and Anna near Moonstone Beach
  Nic and Anna near Moonstone Beach
 Redwood hike and wedding
 Redwood hike and wedding
 Redwood hike and wedding
 Redwood hike and wedding
 Redwood hike and wedding
 Redwood hike and wedding
 Redwood hike and wedding
 Redwood hike and wedding
 Redwood hike and wedding
 Redwood hike and wedding
 Redwood hike and wedding
 Redwood hike and wedding
 Redwood hike and wedding
 Redwood hike and wedding
 Redwood hike and wedding
 Redwood hike and wedding
 Samoa Cookhouse
  Samoa Cookhouse
  Samoa Cookhouse
  Samoa Cookhouse
  Samoa Cookhouse
  Samoa Cookhouse
  Samoa Cookhouse
 Moonstone Beachhouse
  Moonstone Beachhouse
  Moonstone Beachhouse
  Moonstone Beachhouse
  Moonstone Beachhouse
 Honeymoon cottage in Trinidad
  Honeymoon cottage in Trinidad
  Honeymoon cottage in Trinidad
  Honeymoon cottage in Trinidad
  Honeymoon cottage in Trinidad
  Honeymoon cottage in Trinidad
  Honeymoon cottage in Trinidad
  Honeymoon cottage in Trinidad
  Honeymoon cottage in Trinidad
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception

 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
 Colorado reception
Colorado reception


  1. What an outstanding location for a wedding! I recall you mentioning that Fern Canyon was one of Anna's favorite hiking spots; it's wonderful that this location has even more meaning for her now.

    Several of your photos look very familiar. I still have a photo of the Trinidad "lighthouse" hanging in my office. Thank you again for telling us what a special place the Redwoods are.

    Very glad to hear that the events went so well, congratulations to all!


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